Use our bill calculator to estimate your payments
Our online bill calculator can help you estimate your bills or better understand your energy consumption.
In order to use our calculator, you will need two pieces of information from one of your recent statements:
- Your Billing Rate
- Your Total Energy (kWh)
Please be aware that, in case of discrepancy between the Bill Calculator below and the bill you received, the bill you received will be understood to be the correct amount owing.
Yukon Energy Revenue Shortfall Rider Components
Ongoing: 55.40%
True-Up: 9.45%
Total: 64.85%
AEY’s Rider R and R1 Components
Ongoing: 14.38%
True-Up: -1.15%
Total: 13.23%
ATCO Electric Yukon Bill Calculator
Effective Oct 1, 2024
Demand Charge
$ × kW = $ |
Customer Charge (per month) | $ |
Block 1 Energy Charge - ($/kWh)
$ × kWh = $ |
Block 2 Energy Charge - ($/kWh)
$ × kWh = $ |
Block 3 Energy Charge and over ($/kWh)
$ × kWh = $ |
Block 3 Energy Charge - ($/kWh)
$ × kWh = $ |
Block 4 Energy Charge - and over ($/kWh)
$ × kWh = $ |
Base Rate | $ |
Yukon Energy Revenue Shortfall Rider
% × $ = $ |
AEY Rate Adjustment Rider
% × $ = $ |
Yukon Rebate of Fed/Ter Income Tax
% × $ = $ |
% × kWh = $ |
Rider S Purchase Power Adjustment Rider
× kWh = $ |
Yukon Interim Electrical Rebate
$ × kWh = $ |
Fuel Adjustment Rider ($/kWh)
$ × kWh = $ |
Subtotal | $ |
% × $ = $ |
Total | $ |