Customer billing & rates

Protect yourself from fraud

Keep your personal information safe

Scammers are out there, and over recent years, our customers have been targets. It is important to ask questions and be cautious of who to give your information to. We will never ask you to pay for an overdue account by:

  • Purchasing a pre-paid credit card
  • Wiring money from Money Mart or a loan centre
  • Texting or emailing your bank account or credit card information to us
  • We also don’t issue credits or refunds from your electrical account to your bank or credit card. All credits are applied directly to your electrical account.


If you get a suspicious call, hang up immediately. Do not provide your credit card or banking information to the caller. We also encourage you to report the incident to the RCMP and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.

We’re also here to help. If at any time you would like to verify the status of your account, call our office at 867-633-7000 or 1-800-661-0513.

Report suspicious activity

If you get a suspicious call, we encourage you to report the incident to the RCMP and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.