2023 GRA Decision Summary

Subject to Final Approval from the Yukon Utility Board (August 2024)

The Yukon Electrical Company Limited, doing business as ATCO Electric Yukon (AEY), received Board Order 2024-01 from the Yukon Utilities Board (Board) on May 31, 2024, respecting AEY’s 2023-2024 General Rate Application (GRA) with proposed revenue requirement forecasts for the two-year test period 2023 and 2024.  AEY provides electrical services to customers in 19 communities.

The YUB approved many aspects of AEY’s GRA, including all electrical system projects completed between 2018 - 2022, labor inflation increases, and capital programs, such as the Customer Information System (CIS) Billing Replacement program.  Subject to final approval by the YUB of AEY’s Compliance filing to the 2023-2024 GRA, submitted June 28, 2024, AEY’s revenue requirement amounts for 2023 and 2024 have been calculated to be $64.3 million and $71.0 million, respectively. 

Though final rates have yet to be approved, AEY has submitted rates in our compliance filing that reflect the YUB’s decisions. A typical residential customer will see an increase of 1.7% effective September 1, 2024, and a further increase of 0.8% effective September 1, 2025. A typical business will see an increase of 1.5% effective September 1, 2024, and a further increase of 0.7% effective September 1, 2025. 

AEY 2023-24 GRA Supporting Documents

The Application and supporting documents are also available on the Yukon Utility Board website. 

ATCO Electric Yukon 2023 General Rate Application

Business Cases 01-03

Business Cases 04-21

Business Cases 22-38

Business Cases 39-41



Persons who wish to intervene or present, and who are uncertain as to the manner in which to proceed, may contact Colleen Henry, Executive Secretary, Yukon Utilities Board, by telephone at (867) 335-2839, in writing at Box 31728, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 6L3, by email to yub@utilitiesboard.yk.ca or by fax at (867) 667-5059. 

Message to Customers

We understand that changes to your utility bill can be concerning and recognize that keeping electricity affordable is vital for both households and businesses alike. We want to take this opportunity to communicate openly and transparently about the reasons behind our proposed rate increase. We acknowledge the financial pressures many of you face and assure you we've carefully considered this decision.  

We also recognize that there are questions about our revenue during recent years, even though our rates have not increased. It's important to note that our revenue requirement was set during our General Rate Application in 2017 based on our forecasted business operations. Although our rates have remained unchanged since that time, factors beyond our control have led to higher-than-forecasted revenue. Population growth, increased electricity demand, and expansion in the resource sector have all played a role in the Yukon's revenue growth. 

For the past seven years, AEY has successfully maintained stable rates despite the challenges posed by a growing Yukon, a pandemic and hyperinflation. During this time, more than $50 million was invested into Yukon's power grid to ensure safe and reliable power delivery to your homes and businesses. We have carefully managed expenditures and leveraged shared services with ATCO to help keep costs down, and we are proud of our small but mighty team of 55 local Yukoners who keep the lights on and provide customer service across the Yukon. However, with changes in our environment and demand, we find it necessary to file a General Rate Application to ensure continued quality service. 

As we move forward, we want to highlight that the proposed rate increase of 5.2% for 2024 comes after a rate decrease of -1.6% in 2023. The proposed rate increase will enable us to: 

  • Accommodate Growing Demand: With an increasing population and greater energy consumption, we must continue to build and maintain our infrastructure to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted power supply. 
  • Upgrade Aging Infrastructure: To ensure the continued reliability and safety of our services, we need to modernize and replace aging components of our system. 


While these are difficult decisions, the investments we are making are vital to maintaining a modern and reliable electric system that meets the needs of Yukoners today and into the future. As we navigate these challenges together, our customers remain top of mind, and our commitment to providing you with safe, reliable, and affordable power is unwavering.

- Jay Massie, Vice President, Northern Development & Indigenous Relations, ATCO Electric Yukon

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who regulates ATCO Electric Yukon's rates?

    ATCO Electric Yukon is regulated by the Yukon Utilities Board, which means our rates are reviewed, scrutinized, and approved through a quasi-judicial process. 

  • What is a rate rider?

    Rate riders are charges or credits approved by the Yukon Utilities Board to recover costs or refund money for something that is temporary or caused by factors outside our control. Riders exist for various reasons and periods of time. We list all of the current rate riders on our website. 

  • What is rider R?

    Rider R is ATCO Electric Yukon’s base rate adjustment rider applied to all electric service throughout the Yukon.  The Rider R collects/refunds the difference between AEY’s base rates and approved revenue requirement.

  • Why is rider R an interim rider?

    Rider R is normally applied to determine final rates but is also used, on an interim basis, to begin collecting/refunding amounts prior to when final rates are approved by the Yukon Utilities Board (YUB).  Please note that the interim rates are placeholders to lessen the true-ups upon final rates being determined.  Any approved surplus or shortfall amounts that arise from the YUB’s Decision respecting Final rates, will be fully refunded/collected to/from customers. 

  • How much is the actual proposed rate increase? What is the fuel adjustment factor? 

    AEY is proposing a 1.6 percent rate decrease for 2023 and a 5.2 percent cumulative increase for 2024. The fuel adjustment factor is a mechanism to adjust Rider R based on current fuel prices, but it won't affect what customers pay for fuel on their bills. The 5.2% rate increase in 2024 is necessary to cover the difference between existing rates and the required revenue starting from January 1, 2024. Any fuel-related adjustments will be handled separately through Rider F, which won't be adjusted until mid-next year. 

  • Is the proposed rate decrease beginning on August 1 to pay back extra revenue received?

    No, the proposed rate decrease is temporary and serves as a placeholder until a final decision is made for the 2023 test year. It is based on the expected revenue requirement for that specific year. The rate decrease is not a repayment of extra revenue but a temporary measure until the final decision is made for the 2023 test year.

  • Has the application for interim rates been approved?

    No, AEY has not received a decision on interim rates as of today.

  • What is the process for rate changes?

    The application will undergo a fully litigated quasi-judicial public hearing process. Interested parties can participate as intervenors and submit information requests. A hearing is scheduled to take place in Whitehorse in late November. Parties intending to participate in the proceeding need to register with the Board Secretary by Monday, July 31, 2023, indicating their interest and the issues of interest in relation to the Application. AEY will host a procedural conference in Whitehorse on July 27 that is open to the public. The conference will take place at 2pm in the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre Multi-purpose Room. To register, please contact Beth Rogers at elizabeth.rogers@atco.com. 

  • Why does AEY expect to need higher rates beginning in 2024?

    AEY is proposing a rate reduction for 2023. The rate increase in 2024 is largely driven by system growth and replacing aging infrastructure.

  • What infrastructure improvements will a rate increase support?

    AEY's main reasons for infrastructure improvements include accommodating the increasing demand for electricity due to the growing number of customers, upgrading aging infrastructure to ensure reliable service, implementing a new customer billing system to enhance efficiency, and replacing assets that have reached their end of life. These upgrades are essential to maintain a reliable and modern electric system for customers.

  • Is the rate increase linked to the Yukon government's Our Clean Future plan?

    Electric Utilities across Canada are undergoing significant transition in all jurisdictions in response to federal, territorial and provincial emissions targets and the availability of technologies to do so. This transition has implications on how energy is generated and distributed, as well as how consumers use their electricity services. 

    AEY is committed to doing our part to reduce GHG emissions and participate in ‘Our Clean Future’ for the Yukon. We are partnering with the communities we serve in the development of renewable projects and ongoing integration with AEY’s isolated grids. In addition to enabling grid modernization initiatives such as Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI), smart grid and demand response programs to enable this transition and allow customers to understand their electrical usage. 

  • Is the rate increase linked to the cost of electricity from Yukon Energy?

    AEY's General Rate Application focuses on our own costs. Yukon Energy completes their own General Rate Applications for their costs as we are separate utilities.